Limes Matilo route
57 minutes
(15.0 km)
About 2000 years ago, where Roman Archaeological Park Matilo is located, stood a Roman border fortress: Castellum Matilo. This fort was on the border (Limes) of the Roman Empire. Feel Roman for a moment in Park Matilo where the high earth walls, watchtowers and special "line images" show you the history of the area. Enjoy the beautiful nature, windmills and meadow birds in the Munnikenpolder and the Achthoven polder. Or visit the play hill in the Ghoybos.
Sights on this route
Starting point: Burggravenlaan 2
2313 HV Leiden
2313 HV Leiden
2351 CR Leiderdorp

Archeologisch Park Matilo
Archeologisch Park MatiloCastellumweg

End point: Burggravenlaan 2
2313 HV Leiden
2313 HV Leiden