The National Museum of Antiquities (Rijksmuseum van Oudheden) contains countless treasures from old, rich cultures. The famous collection of Egyptian mummies and mummy sarcophagi is world-class.

You can select from five permanent presentations during your visit: "Egyptians", "Greeks", "Romans", "Etruscans", "Near East" and "The Netherlands". The presentations are animated and comprehensible for young and old. There are also replicas, reconstructions, film fragments and interactive multimedia. During school vacations there are additional activities for children.

Opening times

  • Daily from 10:00 to 17:00
  • Closed on Jan. 1st, April 27th, Oct. 3rd and Dec. 25th


  • Adults €14.00
  • Children Free
  • MJK (Museumjaarkaart) Free
  • Students Free
  • CJP (Cultureel Jongeren Paspoort) €10.00


Take a look
